Sunday, April 10, 2011


Hey Raucous Readers,

      Today is Monday, April 11, 2011.  Many of you have finished your book club books, beyond the book projects, and have already selected new texts to dive into.  You are all rock stars in my book, and I can't wait to see the INQUIRIES you are all going to engage in.  STOKED!!! 

      For today, I wanted to see some of your feedback.  As a reading and learning community we normally write blurbs or pieces of our knowledge on NOTECARDS.  This weekend I was like WHY C?  We have this blog that so many students enjoy using and already know how to do it so well.  So, instead of using notecards today let's get our netbooks open and start making some comments shall we!? 

      As we see some of our Beyond the Book Projects today keep a netbook with you so you can quickly type up feedback, thoughts, reactions, and responses to what you see.  Does anyone's project spark a lightbulb in your mind?  Does a project you see today remind you of something we have already learned or talked about?  Do you see anything that reminds you of YOUR project?  What do you see that you like?  What is something you wish you would have seen? 

      Be gentle with each other and the comments you make.  Be honest and fair.  Have fun listening, reading, viewing, and thinking. 

Yours truly,
P.S. Over the next week ponder something for me...  As a learner, student, kid, and awesome thinker, when and where do most of your great ideas happen?  Where do you have great ideas?  When do they come to you?