Today is Wednesday, December 8, 2010. The link below is a video I found that is directly connected to our Wolf Girls unsolved mystery. The girls are something called "feral children". Feral children stories come from all over the globe, and as you do your searching today type the words feral children into the box. Remember, your research reading is a great time to practice comprehension strategies like connections, questions, summarizing/paraphrasing, and clarifying confusion.
There are only a few search queries you will be using today for your research:
1.) Feral Children
2.) Unsolved Mystery: Wolf Girls
3.) Wolf girls Mystery
Any other searches being entered on the computer must be passed by me first. Loss of computer privilege will result if I see unapproved search queries being conducted.
Homework: your homework tonight is to go over your notes and write down ONE talking point you can share with your discussion group in class tomorrow. Your talking point can be a clue you found, something you read, a website you would like to share, or any new information you can find on the Wolf Girls case. Good luck detectives.
P.S. I hear and I forget.
I see and I remember.
I do and I understand.
Do your best and forget the rest.
Mr.c i think that the wolf girls fell out of the pouch and got brain damigE so they act like wolfs
Do you think pip will run from the bad people
by edgar
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