Today is Wednesday, January 19, 2011. Today is the last day we will be spending on BEYOND THE BOOK questions. I'm hoping by now you all are beginning to understand what a BEYOND THE BOOK question is. Remember, good questions lead to more questions.
To wrap this type of questioning up we will be using another type of graphic organizer. It is a Q-A-S. It stands for Question-Answer-Strategy. Not only do we have to think about the types of questions we are asking, but we also have to think about what type of thinking is going to answer the questions. These are our strategies. Good readers have to stop and think when their questions are answered. Good readers have to recognize that not all questions are answered when we read.
Think back to our anchor chart on QUESTIONS...
The strategies we thought about as a class are on this chart. These are the items that go in the "S" column of our new graphic organizer.
Also remember, good questions lead to inquiry. Questions give us a purpose for reading. You may ask questions any time in the process of reading (PRE, DURING, POST)
P.S. Getting things done is not always what is most important. There is value in allowing others to learn, even if the task is not accomplished as quickly, efficiently or effectively." - R.D. Clyde
Take your time. Do your best and forget the rest.
This is a test.
mr c click on the b once you publish my post cus its done!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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