Friday, January 7, 2011


Howdy Crafty Kids!!

      Since we have come back from winter break we have been thinking deeply about QUESTIONS.  We have found there are many kinds of questions.  Some questions ask for facts in the story.  Some questions require you to use your SCHEMA(background knowledge).  The questions that we are really trying hard to learn are the DISCUSSION DIRECTOR questions.  DIVERGENT QUESTIONS.

      DIVERGENT QUESTIONS ask for feelings and opinions.  Discussion Director Questions use words like...

What do you think about...?                                                                     
How would you feel if...?
What would you do if you...?
"mean to you..."
"Why do you think...?"

      There is a graphic organizer good readers sometimes use to show thinking about a question.  It's called a question web.  Here is a picture of one. 

Take a look at this!

What are some things you notice?

Where is the question?

What do you see all around that thing in the middle?

Let's try doing some of these today as we read.  I looked over some of the questions in your 3-2-1's from Wednesday.  You also have questions on your discussion director sheets, your blog posts, and on post-its.  Let's see if we can use some of those questions to make an INQUIRY CIRCLE QUESTION WEB.  Have fun collaborating with your group and reading. 

P.S. I hear and I forget.
I see and I remember.
I do and I understand.
Do your best and forget the REST!!



amber said...

my question is a Q Why do you think young kids get so attached to blankets or a pacafire

amber said...

dear dumb diary
1 you have to read 2 chapters through monday and friday
2meet on mondays and share what you read and what page your on
3 no reading ahead
4assighn 1 ded each monday
1if you dont read the 2 chapters you have to read them over the weekend and write 4 sentances on why you did not read
2 if you read ahead you have to do a 321
3 if you dont bring your book on monday you have to read your self selected text at your desk and read extra that night
amber sadie katie kennedy and sydney