Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Horsemanship: when horses attack...

To those that care to listen,

      It is midday of day 2 here on Golden Bear Farm where I have decided to take a break in order to think and reflect.  Day 1 and Day 2 brought a lot so far.  Normally when I visit here, Lady is the horse that gets my attention.  However, I have decided to take on a new horse to focus my attention and affection.  The horse's name is Bo.  Here are a few pictures I took while he was attacking me.  He wasn't really attacking me; I'm just trying to see if you are paying attention. 

      I have learned a lot in the short period of time I have spent up here so far.  There are many things to keep in mind when you are training a horse.  In all actuality "training" a horse is nothing more than CREATING A RELATIONSHIP with a horse.  
      In order to start a conversation with a horse a human takes time understanding horse psychology and horse language.  I'll get into horse psychology another time if anyone is interested, but for now let me say that horse language is made up of 7 GAMES. 
1. The Friendly Game      2. The Porcupine Game
3. The Driving Game       4. The Yo-Yo Game
5. The Circle Game         6. The Sideways Game
7. The Squeeze Game

These games are the games horses play with each other when they are out in the middle of a pasture grazing or in the wild on the open plains.  If a human can understand the language and speak it back to a horse a LINE OF COMMUNICATION can be opened.  Then, let the fun begin!

Random horse fact #1:  Horses have BILATERAL VISION.  For those of you who would like more details on bilateral vision send me a comment.    

I hope you all enjoy reading this.  More to come.  I CAN'T STOP LEARNING!!

Yours truly,
P.S. We shall not cease from exploration and, the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time.  -T.S. Eliot


Grayson cool said...

Hey Mr.C nice facts I'm going to show my sis thoughs Facts an pic's that must be fun at the farm

Mr. C said...

Hey Grayson,

Thanks for keeping up on communications. What are some fun things you've been doing so far this summer? Baseball? Football?

The farm here is extremely fun. I'll be working here soon doing sone other things besides horse training. Talk to you soon.


PURPLE PEANUTS!!!!!! said...

Mr.C I'm pretty sure me and Grayson are the only ones who keep tabs on you, but I'm glad that you made a new friend!even though that friend is a horse! Bo is really cute! some people are here to install air conditioning and me and Dayle were playing water balloons and this one guy who was working asked for one and threw it at another worker it ws soo awesome! I don't really know why but it was funny!

and then we threw some at him but it didn't work because he was sweating any way? but he wasn't expecting it ao it sorta worked!

I just jumped in to... gross! some thing they are usin stinks like fire works!!!! any way I just jumped into the pool and now I'm freezing! and......


PURPLE PEANUTS!!!!! said...

hey umm I forgot... have you gotten any weird messages on your phone lately??? :) haha PS it was my mothers Idea! (I was gonna do it a while ago with my cousin lexi with my moms phone but we didn't it was during the school year and I didn't wanna get in trouble! shhh)

Mr. C said...

Hey Purple Peanuts,

I did get that far out voice mail. It was hilariously funny. I laughed out loud.
Water balloon fight with contractors... AWESOME!! Everybody needs some fun on the job. Keep up with the summer fun and keep tabs on me too!
It seems that Grayson and you are the only ones continuing to use the blog, although I did receive a blog comment from Bridget. Anyways, I just got back from another seesion with Bo which makes it YOGA TIME. OOOHHHMMMMM!! Finding my center.

Yours truly,

bridget said...

Nice fact mr.c keep it going

PURPLE PEANUTS!!!!!!!!! said...

oh gosh Mr.c that is scary but some what funny! but I'm glad that I can make you laugh even when I'm not trying to hard1 well its good to know that you are keeping up on your YOGA hey now I want YOGURT!


now I feel like the kool aid dude haha I went to KT's house (hanagan) and but before that we scraped gum off of the class room tables at waukesh west it was gross and awesome! only 3 class rooms and we saved it form saturday (it was elmbrook serves day on saturday) and my mom made a stand and a glass case and like I was saying... we had a ball that was like 7 1/2 inches diamiter and my mom also glossed it!

PURPLE PEANUTS!!!!! said...

Ahhhhhh Mr.C I just got into a camp for my church ita a week long over night camp! It was full but then we got an email saying that the person had room for one more girl and I'm soo excited! It's my first year and oh yeah the best part is that KT (Hanagan) is coming too! We might not get the same cabin but still that it a MIGHT NOT not a will not. So excited!!!!!!!!


Mr. C said...

Purple Peanuts,
It is fantastic to see you so enthusiasic and excited Lola. I hope you get to spend that time with Katie before she moves. Camp can be a great experience with many new adventures. Go into it with that attitude and you're almost guaranteed a fabulous time.

Best wishes,
Your teacher C

McKenna the borad said...

Hi Mr. C!
I miss you!
I can't wait for middle school oddly without school im bored highlights are pool 30 min diving lessons for 2 weeks playing with legos and... DOING NOTHING!!!!
i miss homework...:(


McKenna The I read lots of books! said...

sorry I spelled bored wrong,
still miss you could you bring me a horse (It could fit in my room...Maybe?)


PURPLE PEANUTS!!!!!!! said...

Mr C I will have an awesome time and I'll be as happy as possible!!!!! But I am so excited I'm packing now! It's on the 26th so this Sunday! I'm excited and I soo can't wait. I'll tell you all about it when I get back! I have an inside scoop on something right now but I can't share it before because none of the camp students know yet and I don't wanna miss this event buy telling any one... It's on Wednesday! Day 4 of camp!
