Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Good day to you all,

      Today is Camel Day, November 16, 2011.  Digital Memoirs are due tomorrow.  As we work today to finish and submit, let's play with the YOUTUBE option in Windows Movie Maker Live.  You will find a "share" box in the top right corner.  Inside the share box is a youtube option.  When you are finished, try submitting it directly to youtube.  If we need an account we can use mine.  I am intentionally keeping this Blog post limited so you may take the remainder of class to work.  Remember, when we finish we can get started right away in our next Unit of Inquiry: Exploration and Colonization.  Please request a conference with me or another adult facilitator during your memoir writing process.  Whether you are close to finishing, submitting, or completely done, there are things to discuss together. Have fun, think, do, and ENJOY!

Love, peace, and taco grease,
P.S. A little laugh from me to you...
From the cluttered mind of C, Teacher
School District of Waukesha
Waukesha STEM Academy


Anonymous said...

mr c what is with taco grease

Anonymous said...

The blogger is good to read on black board. Rebekah