Happy Camel Day to you all! Today we have a STEaM schedule so we have to get right down to work. You all did such a phenomenal job yesterday. Beth and I are proud of you for diving into the 5 E's with so many directions and texts. Thank you.
So, yesterday we started our Inquiry process by looking at the 5 E's. Engage. Explore. Explain. Elaborate. Evaluate. Today, Beth and I want to share with you a reading strategy that will take your LITERACY SKILLS to the next level. If practiced regularly and over the next few days, your thinking will improve dramatically. The reading strategy I'm hinting at is this...
When you are reading there are two reasons for stopping. One, is that the information in the text forces you to STOP because it causes a thought to form. The second reason to STOP while reading is because you have come to the end of a paragraph or a section in the text. Whether you stop yourself or the text stops you, the next step is to THINK.
When you start to THINK while reading you are trying to THINK OUT LOUD. When you THINK OUT LOUD you are talking about what is going on in your mind. By reciting your thoughts OUT LOUD this prepares you for the final step: REACT.
When you THINK, you also decide how you are going to REACT to the text. While REACTING there are so many options and avenues to choose. Here are three that engaged 8th graders usually decide on. If these three reactions to text are practiced regularly, your reading, thinking, and writing will help you as you try to CONSTRUCT MEANING. Trust us!!
1. Annotate the information that you think is most important.
2. Share your feelings/ideas about the information.
3. Paraphrase/Summarize the paragraph or section.
The magic words of the day are... STOP THINK REACT
PARAPHRASING: Tim and Moby Style
From the cluttered minds of C & Dubbs, Teachers
School District of Waukesha
Waukesha STEM Academy
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