Monday, December 7, 2015

Of Beetles & Angels: Happy Monday!

Good Morning Kenosha Kids,

      Today is Monday, December 7, 2015.  We spent some time last week reading together, practicing SQ3R, and becoming acquainted with Of Beetle and Angels.  This book will be our reading material over the next couple of weeks. 
We dove into the first chapter and were able to work in groups to make meaning out of what we read together.  We will be finishing our informal presentations today so that we can read ahead.

      Do you remember that SQ3R is a reading and learning strategy that has been around for a long time?  It is still relevant because it works.  SQ3R is an acronym that stands for SURVEY, QUESTION, READ, RECITE, REVIEW.  Let's continue to practice this as we read together this week to find central ideas and central messages in the book.
Finding a central idea and a central message from our reading.

Here is the Vsauce for the week.  Think about revisions, innovation, and mistakes while you watch.  As always, good luck and have a great day.

Love, peace, and taco grease,
Mr. C

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you have better music taste than our new teacher also I am going to The Academy Is... concert hahahaahhhahahaa