Monday, January 11, 2016

Finishing Of Beetles & Angels: Central Ideas & Central Messages...

Good Morning Everyone,

      Today is Monday, January 11, 2016.  I hope all of you had a warm and wonderful weekend the past few days.  Today marks the beginning of the end for our reading adventure in Of Beetles & Angels.

      As we finish the last few chapters and head towards the epilogue of the book, we will begin to discuss two things: CENTRAL IDEAS & CENTRAL MESSAGES.  Central ideas are like main ideas.  Central ideas usually relate specifically to the text we are reading.  In our case, the central idea in chapters 9, 10, and 11 is all about Mawi Asgedom's father.  We asked the question, "what does Mawi want us to understand about his father"?  The central message of the book, on the other hand, may be bigger than just Mawi's father.  Central ideas always have clues connected to them within the text.  Let's look at central messages next.

      Central messages are sometimes harder for students to identify.  Central messages are bigger ideas that relate to real life or the reader's life.  Some teachers call this the theme.  Central messages and themes are like life lessons we can draw from what we are reading.  As we read today, let's see if we can figure these out together.  Below, you'll find some links to the chat rooms we started last week.  We will use them today to answer some of the questions we ask.  Good luck and happy hunting. 

Image result for todaysmeet

Love, peace, and taco grease,
Mr. C

P.S. Here is our Vsauce for the week. 

From the cluttered mind of C, Teacher
Kenosha Unified School District

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