Monday, December 13, 2010

9 children raised by animals | MNN - Mother Nature Network

Hey Kiddies!!

Here is a GREAT site I found that has 10 stories including our own from India. Even though we are taking a break from our feral children inquiry tomorrow, look at some of these and see if you can use the information TO SUPPORT YOUR INFERENCES/THEORIES/HYPOTHESES.

Remember, use your SCHEMA (prior knowledge) to make an inference. Also remember to support your inference with clues/evidence.

9 children raised by animals MNN - Mother Nature Network


maressa said...

mr.C i just looked at the site and i thing it will help on me on learning more about "The Wolf Girls" thanks a lot.
Maressa Montville De La Santos

maressa said...

dear Mr. c thank you for giving the class this site it really helped me.

P.S. remember your hair gel next time we have school!!! and no more bets(:

P.P.S. do your best and forget the rest!, ha-ha i copied you(: