Happy Monday Kiddies,
What is a hypothesis?
What is a theory?
What is an inference?
Today is Monday, December 13, 2010. I'm hoping by the end of today's rotation you have a basic understanding of what these words mean and how they are related. All three of these words are related because they are a type of thinking we all do based on SCHEMA. There is that tricky word we've seen in our learning targets. Think back and remember...
2c Use comprehension strategies to guide thinking within the text, and beyond the text (schema, connections, questioning, mental images, inferring, determining importance, synthesizing)
We use what we know to gain an understanding of what we don't know. THE LAW OF ASSOCIATION. We make an educated guess based on prior knowledge or information we have gathered. You have read Wolf Girls. You have read The Wolf Girl. You have watched the video on feral children. All that information you have read and seen is now part of YOUR SCHEMA. From the SCHEMA we make a theory, hypothesis, or inference.
Now here is the trick that confuses 5th graders. We need to find evidence/clues by doing experiments, researching, talking with others, and READING INFORMATION to support our theories, hypotheses, and our inferences. Today I am going to hand back your inquiry proposals and summaries of our first book. Reread what you have and start by organizing your thoughts in a way that supports your theories. Try your best and have fun reading.
P.S. I hear and forget.
I see and I remember.
I do and I understand.
Do your best and forget the rest.
Change of plan. I'll prove Singh lied!!!!!!!!
Well i think that feral children are real. But what i do not think is real is singhs story. i think he just told a hoke to get poblisety.
i have a lot of stuff to write down about the wolf girls they are prity cool to learn about.though i am prity sure that singh lied about them because there were so many kids like that it would have been easy to take a story and chang it to be his and make the story his for money.
dominic what did singh lie about???? :b
Eedie The Beast
My theary is theary 3 when the wolf girls might have been lost or abandoned.
P.S Hey MCFLY I told you to stay away from this place!
Your thinking is great!!! I liked how you used your SCHEMA to try to ask questions.
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