Thursday, November 10, 2011

Persona in our memoirs...

Good day to you Teenie-Boppers,

      Today is Thursday, November 10, 2011.  I need not remind you that tomorrow is 11-11-11, the day of the Great STEM Challenge.  You will be having a guest teacher tomorrow and Monday as the 8th grade teachers have their alignment day.  What that means is that we have meetings.  Personally, between us, I would want to be in class with you guys and gals, but sadly it's not my call.  So please do your best to help out the guest teacher. 

      Anyways, down to brass tacks!  PERSONA.  Persona is a literary technique writers use to tell a story.  PERSONA refers to the voice through which an author tells the story.  Persona can be the identity of a character or narrator.  Writers develop a persona in order to help an audience see events from a particular perspective; in our case, a historical perspective.  By seing a digital memoir through the eyes of a bystander, perpetrator, victim, or helper our audience will naturally sympathize with that character.  The mood and tone you set in the memoir through soundtrack and text will also help your audience sympathisize with a PERSONA.

      PERSONA is connected to to point of view.  Since you are creating a memoir, your persona should come in the first person point of view.  This brainpop will help you grasp the concept. 
      Username: waukesha
      Password: media
Use your imaginations along with your schema.  Tie your right brain to your left brain and have fun while creating your memoirs.  If you would like to leave a comment for me feel free.  Enjoy!

From the cluttered mind of C, Teacher
School District of Waukesha
Waukesha STEM Academy

1 comment:

Anonymous said... comments?!?!? How could no one have a comment to you? Everyone missed you, too. When are we meeting to talk about exploration/colonization?