Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Word Wednesday...


      Today is Camel Day, November 9, 2011.  Yesterday after all of you lovely students left most of your teachers had meetings to attend over at the Randall Campus.  I joined the Literacy Leadership Team for my meeting, but happened to agitate the Community Leadership Team which I was once a part of.  Mr. Tomsett proceded to call me a TURNCOAT. 

      Now, the name that I was called stopped me in my tracks.  It made me start to wonder.  What is a turncoat?  Where would a weird word like that come from?  What is it's entymology?  Does the word have a historical context?  Did the word originate during a certain era in history: the Revolution perhaps?  So my next step was to find the definition.  I did and sent it via text message to this blog THINK SPOT.  The definition is below for your enjoyment. 

a person who changes to the opposite party or faction, reverses principles, etc.; renegade.

      There are additional resources I added to Blackboard 9 that will help you download video and/or audio.  Ask me to show you! 

Yours Truly,

P.S. I hear and I forget.
I see and I remember.
I do and I understand.
Do your best and forget the rest!!


Anonymous said...

Thanks for that definition i will definitly remember the definition and use it in my digital memoir

Angie said...

I think that the definition of turn coat suits your personality! :)

Karin McBride said...

Thanks for the definition! I will try to remember it, but I have a bad memory..

Anonymous said...

I like the Blogger.
