Thursday, November 29, 2012

TLH Categories: How do you think we have met these learning targets?

Good Morning and Good Day,

      Some of these faces should start to look fairly familiar by now.  One, two, and three are GW, JA, and TJ.  Hopefully, if time permits, we will be able to get to 4 and 5.  The two men that followed Jefferson were also Virginians, James Madison and James Monroe.

     Here are the Learning Targets we are trying to meet.  What do you think?  How have we met them?  Have we met them completely?
I can classify series of historical events and developments as examples of change and/or continuity.

I can analyze multiple factors that influenced the perspectives of people during different historical eras.

From the cluttered minds of C & Dubbs, Teachers
District of Waukesha
Waukesha STEM Academy

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