Monday, November 26, 2012

Welcome Back: TLH & Turning Points

Good Day to Everyone,

      Welcome back from a great extended weekend.  We're getting started right away so make sure your tables are set to do great thinking.  We are leaving The American Indian Story and The Holocaust behind as we continue on into U.S. History.  Our next topic of study will be the Founding and Framing of the United States of America.  Today specifically, we are starting with the year 1776.

      1776 was a TURNING POINT for our country.  Some historians refer to dramatic changes as turning points.  A turning point signifies a profound change in one or more of the major arena of human experience (political, social, economic, or cultural/intellectual).  Why do you think the year 1776 could be considered a TURNING POINT?

TLH Blog Post

From the cluttered minds of C & Dubbs, Teachers
School District of Waukesha
Waukesha STEM Academy


Anonymous said...

ho ho ho from santa

Anonymous said...

ho ho ho from santa