Thursday, February 2, 2012

Guest Teacher, Letters, and LIBERTY Part 2...

Hey gang,

      Like I said earlier this week, you have a guest teacher today.  Treat him/her better then you treat me and help out.  I will be at the reading convention all day trying to get some great new ideas to share with all of you. 

      There are two things to accomplish today before the end of class.  One is we have to begin to think about writing a formal or professional letter.  We will be writing letters to each other as part of the project to wrap up the American Revolution and as part of our debating process.  The second thing we will accomplish today is to revisit the video we started on Tuesday, "LIBERTY!".  Each CORE is starting in a different spot.  If your CORE finishes part one of LIBERTY!, move on to part two.  In part two it mentions the events that led up to the DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE: how it progressed and who wrote it. 

Formal Letter Module
This link is the link to get into the module.  Here is the breadcrumb trail:
bb9 - hist lit - Exp Col Am Rev - Go Public - Writing a Professional Letter

Do your best,
From the cluttered mind of C, Teacher
School District of Waukesha
Waukesha STEM Academy

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

The Declaration of Independence: Ethos, Pathos, Logos...

Happy History to you all,

      The Declaration of Independence is one of the three major documents that helped to create this country.  We are going to practice out skills as a LITERATE HISTORIAN in order to take a step back into our country's birth.  We will try to think, FOR OURSELVES, and figure out why this one document was so successful at achieving the goal its writers set out to achieve.  We will also walk away with a better understanding of Tools of Persuasion: Ethos, Pathos, and Logos.

Learning Targets Today:
Reading...I can analyze the structure of text and its role in developing key concepts.
Reading...I can determine central ideas or themes of a text and analyze it by summarizing the key supporting details and main ideas

Tim and Moby's take on the Dec. of Ind.

The Real Deal

Ethos Pathos Logos Revisited

From the cluttered mind of C, Teacher
School District of Waukesha
Waukesha STEM Academy

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Liberty Part 1...

Good Day,

      Liberty is defined as follows...  Liberty is a contested moral and political principle that seeks to identify the condition in which human beings are able to govern themselves.
1: the quality or state of being free:
a : the power to do as one pleases
 b : freedom from physical restraint
c : freedom from arbitrary or despotic control
d : the positive enjoyment of various social, political, or economic rights and privileges
e : the power of choice
2a : a right or immunity enjoyed by prescription or by grant : privilege
b : permission especially to go freely within specified limits
      Please open to a fresh sheet of notes in your Me Book.  Leave a spot at the top and write the learning targets there before we begin.  After you have the learning targets in your Me Book use the definition from above to define LIBERTY in your own words. 

History:  I can identify the significant people and events that tell the story of the United States.
Writing: I can draw evidence from literary or informational texts to support analysis, reflection and research.
Reading: I can analyze connections and distinctions made between people, ideas or events.

From the cluttered mind of C, Teacher
School District of Waukesha
Waukesha STEM Academy

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Learning Modules...

Hi guys and gals,

      I will not be with you today so you will have to facilitate the leading of your own learning.  By now all of you are aware of the two learning modules that are posted in Bb9.  One is on Ethos, Pathos, and Logos: The Three Pillars of Persuasion.  The other is on Perfect Paragraphs, Paraphrasing, and Paragraph Mapping.  Those of you who make it to the final activity of the Perfect Paragraphs, Paraphrasing, and Paragraph Mapping may use the work we did last Friday to help you paraphrase and paragraph map.  The papers we used for our energizer last Friday can be found on the front table.  The link provided in this post will give you another perspective on the 3 Pillars of Persuasion. 



 From the cluttered mind of C, Teacher
School District of Waukesha
Waukesha STEM Academy