Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Galileo would be pround of 5th grade STEM!!

Dear STEMers,

      We hope this works.  Your STEM teachers have tried to attach the video of our Galileo vs. Aristotle experiment.  If you make observations of the video you will see what our experiment looked like.  The observations we made during the video will now be used for the last parts of the PROCESS we call THE SCIENTIFIC METHOD.  
      Our next step in the PROCESS is to use our experiment and observations to DRAW A CONCLUSION.  That means look back at our HYPOTHESIS to see if it is CONFIRMED, BUSTED, or still PLAUSIBLE yet unproven due to a lack of information. 
      Take a look at the footage.  Let your teachers know what you think by posting a comment or two.  Have fun and enjoy. 

Always remember...  DO YOUR BEST AND FORGET THE REST!! 

Yours Truly
C, Mr. Murray, and Mrs. Lambert

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Hello 5th Graders,

      Remember today during class I used a big word called METACOGNITION.  This means that you think about your thinking.  When you dive into your reading homework tonight this is what I am asking you to try.  Think about your own thinking. 

1. Reflect on the past work you have done in your double entry diary.  
2. Choose the best entry you did and highlight it. (You may hightlight more than one if you are proud of another)
3. Give yourself a grade and tell me why you think you deserve that grade. 

      Do your best and forget the rest! 

Yours truly,

P.S.  It is optional to post, but I love reading your comments. 

Monday, October 25, 2010


Good Morning Guys And Gals,

Today is Monday, October 25, 2010.  We will have our spelling test this morning to start off our day.  Before we do that I would like to play an energizer I call sparkle.  It will help us see our spelling words and get out mental juices flowing for the test. 

After the spelling test I thought I'd give you all more time to work on your writing so we can share some more before recess.  What doyou think?

During our rotations today We will be looking at AUTHOR'S PURPOSE.  Think about what we know about those two words.  Author's  Purpose

For STEaM time this afternoon we are carving pumpkins!  Make sure you are responsible, and showing me you can handle it. 
