Friday, December 10, 2010


Happy Friday Damas y Caballeros,

      Today is Friday, December 10, 2010.  Yesterday we did some choral reading of The Wolf Girl.  I hope you enjoyed reading with me and the rest of our classes.  The information in the fictional story and the non-fiction piece we read afterward (Running Wild) should provide you with connections or ideas you can use to BUST or CONFIRM your theories. 
      To start the day off today I would like you to grab a laptop and post one of your Extended DED entries.  I will show you what I mean before you all start.  At the end of class today we will get back on the blog and RESPOND to someone elses DED entry as a ticket out the door.   Feel free to continue your work on your theories.

Homework: Complete an Extended DED based on the two texts we read together.  The Wolf Girl and Running Wild

Your Truly,
P.S. I hear and I forget.
I see and I remember.
I do and I understand.
P.P.S. Roads?  Where we're going we don't need roads!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Happy Wednesday!!

      Today is Wednesday, December 8, 2010.  The link below is a video I found that is directly connected to our Wolf Girls unsolved mystery.  The girls are something called "feral children".  Feral children stories come from all over the globe, and as you do your searching today type the words feral children into the box.  Remember, your research reading is a great time to practice comprehension strategies like connections, questions, summarizing/paraphrasing, and clarifying confusion. 

      There are only a few search queries you will be using today for your research:

1.) Feral Children
2.) Unsolved Mystery: Wolf Girls
3.) Wolf girls Mystery

Any other searches being entered on the computer must be passed by me first.  Loss of computer privilege will result if I see unapproved search queries being conducted. 

Homework:  your homework tonight is to go over your notes and write down ONE talking point you can share with your discussion group in class tomorrow.  Your talking point can be a clue you found, something you read, a website you would like to share, or any new information you can find on the Wolf Girls case.  Good luck detectives.


P.S. I hear and I forget.
I see and I remember.
I do and I understand.
Do your best and forget the rest.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Long Time No See Kiddies!

Happy Monday Y'all!

      Today is Monday, December 6, 2010.  Guess what?  We get to dive into another Unsolved Mystery from History!!  The unsolved mystery is called The Wolf Girls.  This book will help us conduct more inquiry about text we read.  We will also interact with the text.  We will ask questions, make connections, come up with theories, reread to look for evidence, and make inferences. 
      Think back to Friday last week when we used The Five E's to explore PURPOSE.  Well, you are going to employ The Five E's again only this time your PURPOSE will be to listen to the story SO THAT you can summarize/paraphrase what you hear and see. 
      Your guest teacher will read you the story portion of The Wolf Girls.  When I am back in the room tomorrow we will THINK DEEPER.  We will reread, explore the notes, AND the 4 theories our detective friend has come up with at the end of the book.  Your only PURPOSE today is to listen to the story and summarize/paraphrase what you remember.  Pay close attention and enjoy!

YOUR HOMEWORK: Write down a theory of your own tonight in a DED (double entry diary).  Make sure you include... 1.) The "quick summary" 2.) Your theory/thoughts 3.) "So What?"/Next steps

P.S. I hear and I forget.
I see and I remember.
I do and I understand.
Do your best and forget the rest!!