Thursday, February 9, 2012

Philosophical Chairs: Day 2...

What's up Debaters!?

      All your teachers could not be more impressed by all of you!  From the students who had a chance to speak there voice to the students who did not get a chance to speak, all of you handled yourselves well.  It seems to me you all are natural debaters. 

      Here are your learning targets again for the day.  Please look them over and think of a few ideas as to how we hit those yesterday and how we will hit them today.  Come to circle with 2 ideas. 
Learning Targets:
I can make informed judgements about media. 
I can prepare for and engage in collaborative discussions (large group, small group or partner), clearly expressing my own ideas and building on others’ ideas.
I can sort out relevant information from irrelevant information in written text and in information presented orally.

      Now, down to brass tacks.  I took notes yesterday and made many observations in all three CORE classes.  I posted my notes on blackboard if anyone is interested in seeing those.  Although each CORE had a different experience, here were some common questions:

1. Is there a topic that you would like to revisit? 
2. Are there any topics that have not been discussed that you feel need to be discussed?
3. Is there a topic you would be interested in doing additional research to discover additional information? 
4. Was there anything that was brought forth during debate that you would like to have a chance to rebuttal now? 
5. Is there a debate topic you can think of on your own that you would like to add to the list? 
      Below are the topics for you to see and follow along:

·       STEM Academy should facilitate modules as opposed to direct instruction to encourage the development of self0directed learning and the understanding of concepts.
·       Organ donation should be compulsory for all United States citizens
·       The public's right to know is more important than the privacy of celebrities
·       September 11 should be made a national holiday
·       Middle schools should not have promotion ceremonies
·       Schools should be year round
·       Zoos do more good than harm
·       The United States government should provide free healthcare for all U.S. citizens
·       The United States should significantly expand its use of nuclear power
·       Beauty pageants do more good than harm
·       All Americans should be required to provide one year of national service
·       College athletes should be paid
·       To combat obesity, the government is always looking at policies to encourage people to eat healthier foods while cutting out fatty and sugary items, but what about the idea of food taxes on certain goods?

·       Should Americans carry an identity card with them at all times or is this and invasion of privacy?

·       Should the U.S. government continue to aid other countries or help our own?

·       Should High Schools offer alternate training for those who do not intend on going to college instead of the same education?

      Welcome to round two of Philosophical Chairs.  Remember paraphrasing: Ethos.  Remember thoughtful reflection: Pathos.  Remember textual evidence as well: Logos. 

From the cluttered mind of C, Teacher
School District of Waukesha
Waukesha STEM Academy

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Philosophical Chairs...

Happy Camel Day Y'all,

      You all know what Ethos, Pathos, and Logos are now.  You all know how to paraphrase written text and verbal conversation.  You all have a basic understanding of what a debate is and what philosophical chairs is as well.  YOU ARE READY! 

      Below you will see the topics and the learning targets for today's game.  Please bring your open mind and open heart to the game today.  Philosophical chairs is not played to belittle anyone, make someone feel inferior, or make someone feel better than someone else.  This game is played to practice the art of persuasion and influence, NOT MANIPULATION!!  This game is played to form thoughts and opinions as well as support them with your credibility, reason, and your feelings.  Feel free to try things out today and make mistakes.  I'm asking you to make mistakes today.  Get out of your comfort zones.  Today is practice.  As long as you participate there is no way you can fail at this. 

·       STEM Academy should facilitate modules as opposed to direct instruction to encourage the development of self0directed learning and the understanding of concepts.
·       Organ donation should be compulsory for all United States citizens
·       The public's right to know is more important than the privacy of celebrities
·       September 11 should be made a national holiday
·       Middle schools should not have promotion ceremonies
·       Schools should be year round
·       Zoos do more good than harm
·       The United States government should provide free healthcare for all U.S. citizens
·       The United States should significantly expand its use of nuclear power
·       Beauty pageants do more good than harm
·       All Americans should be required to provide one year of national service
·       College athletes should be paid
·       To combat obesity, the government is always looking at policies to encourage people to eat healthier foods while cutting out fatty and sugary items, but what about the idea of food taxes on certain goods?

·       Should Americans carry an identity card with them at all times or is this and invasion of privacy?

·       Should the U.S. government continue to aid other countries or help our own?

·       Should High Schools offer alternate training for those who do not intend on going to college instead of the same education?

Learning Targets:
I can make informed judgements about media. 
I can prepare for and engage in collaborative discussions (large group, small group or partner), clearly expressing my own ideas and building on others’ ideas.
I can sort out relevant information from irrelevant information in written text and in information presented orally.

Yours truly,

Monday, February 6, 2012

The Declaration of Independence...

Happy Monday,

      To start out our day together please click on the link below.  All of you have probably seen this brainpop already.  Great!!  Please arrange yourselves in groups of 3 or 4 for this activity.  Assign one person to be the "driver".  The "driver" will be using their computer to take the graded quiz and print it when the group is finished.

The Declaration of Independence

1.  Take the graded quiz 
2.  When finished, put all your names on the quiz in order to get credit.
3.  Print your results and hand in to Mr. C. 
Special Note:  All groups that score a 9 or 10 will receive a small treat tomorrow in class.  Good luck! 

Try to have some fun with the activity and test your knowledge.  Those who finish early... would you be so kind as to Google what the following items mean.
- Tory
- Delegate
- Equality
- Prose
Yours Truly,
P.S. Here are our learning targets for the day...
History:  I can identify the significant people and events that tell the story of the United States.
Writing: I can draw evidence from literary or informational texts to support analysis, reflection and research.
Reading: I can analyze connections and distinctions made between people, ideas or events.
From the cluttered mind of C, Teacher
School District of Waukesha
Waukesha STEM Academy