Monday, January 24, 2011


Hey Book Club Kids!

      Today is Monday, January 24, 2011.  Last week two rotations sat down after a TRIBES activity and wrote out these ideas for what we need for a great book club.  I'm going to mention this a few times so everyone understands this: I DID NOT SAY ANY OF THESE!!!  I want you all to understand that these anchor charts were created by 5th graders.  Your teachers had nothing to do with it.  This tells me that you all know how to treat each other in a group.  This tells me that all of you, as 5th grade readers, know what it will take to make our BOOK CLUBS successful. 

      Today in your groups you will be setting up your own good habits and ground rules.  You have four jobs to put in writing.  First, you need to talk about and write down 4 rules/agreements your book club will have to follow (BIG PAPER).  Second, each group will have to decide what would be appropriate action if a member isn't following a particular guideline (BIG PAPER).  How do you get someone to change their behavior?  What will you ask people to change if they aren't contributing what the group needs?  Third, post your 4 rules/agreements on the blog for me to approve.  Each group will also have to post the actions steps for a member that does not follow the guidelines.  And finally, respond to another group's agreements.  Give one other book club in the class your thoughts on the rules/agreements they came up with.

1. Make the agreements.
2. Make the consequences for poor choices.
3. Post on the blog. (Include your book club names.)
4. Respond to another book club.

Have fun with your groups.  You will be with them for the next few weeks. 

P.S. Take your time.  Do your best and forget the rest!


JABB said...

Jordan, Aedon,Bjorn,and Brett
Alex Rider

STM or Sai,Tim and Mcenna said...

-The lost Hero
We have to read 2 chapters per day.
3 comprehension stragesies per week
2 new words per week
The punishment is for the next week we have to do 2 additional comprehension stragesies.
-Sai,Tim and Mcenna

JABB said...

Rules: No put downs, Mutual respect, Attentive listening, and Stay on task.
Consequences: Read what you did not read during recess or during steam.
JABB, Jordan, Aedon, Bjorn,and Brett

Arichamsandwitch, Chloesalamisandwitch, Joepeanutbutter&bannanasandwitch, Marinbolagnasandwitch, Sophieturkeysandwitch said...

The Red Pyramid
Aric, Joe, Chloe, Marin, Sophie


1. Listen
2. Teamework
3. Cooperate
4. Respect
5. Be Fair
6. Read Assignments
7. Don't Read Ahead


1. Warning for minor consequences.
2. Second warning is an extra assinment.
3. Group reports the person to Mr. C.
4. Kicked out of book club.
5. Major consequences means person is atomaticly kicked out of book club.

Brianna said...

Rules-No put downs-No fighting-Mutual Respect
Consequences- Warning-Extra aassignment-Talk to Mr.C about persons behavior-Kicked out of book club
Brianna,Sadie ,Maressa

JAJ=Jayden Alexis and Janaka said...

Inkheart:JAJ= Jayden Alexis and Janaka.

1.One Chapter per night but on weekends 2.
2.Stay on task.
4.Right to pass
5.Attentive Listening

1.If miss a night will have to read two chapters the next night.
2.It will double if they keep missing a night.
3.Miss a week kicked out"Good Bye"
4.If absent one person from the club will call then and catch them up.

no namers (amanda, maggie, and elise said...

Harry potter series
No namers

-Read 2 chapters per week(no reading ahead)
-Have responsiblity
-must come up with two new words and 1 connections per week
-at the end of the week come up with summary
-patenice and team work
-1 question per week
-have a chart and have your parent sign that you rad that much that week
-1 warning
-2nd warning= 3 questions or 3 q and a
-3rd warning=tell mr.c about what happened
-4th warning out of book club

if sick or apponment does not get warning but group will help that person cecht up

Brianna said...

Jabb, our Book club SHIVER, likes your rules, a lot, I also like your books name, Alex Rideer, PEACE OUT, BYE!
Sincerely, Brianna, Sadie, and Maressa

Grayson, Juan, Mason said...

39 Clues

How much we read
-It dependes on how much homework or other commitments.

-Mutual Respect
-Must read what is assigned


-We each get 5 strikes
4 strikes- out for a week
5 strikes- out for 2 weeks
-Get strike if not good excuse

JAJ=Jayden Alexis and Janaka said...

To the Red Pyramid Group in G3,

You had a very good list of ideas and consequences. We liked how you said not to read ahead. Because if you read ahead you won't be able to discuss what you read with your club.

From JAJ=Jayden Alexis and Janaka

a totlly lovable laphfingawesome group said...

ASpen, Tessa, Lola, Lily, Abbi,
1. stay on task
2. Attentive lisening
3 help each other
4 dont read ahead
5 1 chapter every other day
1. worning
2 2 wornings read extra chapter
3 report to mr.c
4 last worning

dy.t,bryce.w) said...

the frozen metal dragon
eddie , jake, zach, patrick,brady, Bryce, Nolan j
warning # 1 small consequences.
if some one breks one of the four aggreements they will be punished.Break 2 out of four agreements they will be kicked out of the book club.
If work is not completed will be punished with staying inside.
If sick will not be punished.

THe agreements
Dont steam roll
one chapter at least

W like Fablehavens agreements

NRW[ Nolanryanwill said...

1. read your assinment[If a person
is gone then do it later]
2. The 4 agreement [no right to pass]
3. 2 things that they read about
4. No reading ahead
5. Be fair
6. discuse about the night before
7. No online reading


1. 1 warning means must write what they read about last night
2. 2nd warning means discuse what should happened
3. 3rd warning talk with Mr.C
4. 4th kicked out

voodoo(schuyler)emy(noemy)BuckTooth(Bridget) said...

-1 chapter every other day
-must read or read exstra chapter(3 chanses)
-no miss useing the books
-do not have to read if heart like cant see or talk like brain dameg or speasule ocations.
-agreement also

Jaeda, Jalen ,Zoe said...

1: no put downs
2: attentive listening
3: stay on task
4: try to read 1 chapter a night
5: no idea is bad
6: no steam roalling
7: mutual respect
8: a page goal a day
9: be pashant
10: try to anser any questions
11: no one will be disscluted


if dont follow the rules they must have a good reson why. if they miss 2 days of reading they must read 3 chapters to catch up.


our goal is to read at least 1 chapter a day. we also want to stay on task.

ok bye,

Jaeda, Zoe, Jalen :b

Josh,Lexie,Katavia,Edgar and Bryce H. said...

1. treat books and people with respect.
2. no late reading/if missed three times (kicked out)
3. read one chapter a night
4. agreements
5. read as far as possible in 1 chapter if your busy that night if not read one whole chapter.

G-3 Andrew, Uma and CJ said...

-The Ranger's Apprentice
1.Attentive Listening
2.The right to pass but you still have to participate.
3. You can read ahead but you just can't mention anything the other people in the group haven't read.
4. Stay on task.


1.If you don't listen to what the other people are saying in the discussion then you ahve to write about the chapter you read at freetime, steamtime or at home.

2. If you pass two times in a row or give a lot of false information then you have to reread the required chapters for that week or day.

3. If you mention anything anything about what you read ahead then you loose your priviledge for reading ahead.

4.If you fool around then you have to write a repot on the pages you were required to read so far.

5.If you don't read the pages you're suppposed to read you ahve to go to the other side of the room and start reading those pages then your group records the discussion on a paper.

Uma, Andrew and CJ

THE AWESOME [Ryan H, Jazmyn and Noah said...

1.teamwork assignments
3.respect each other

1. you have to stay in for recess to finish your chapters and reflecton what you read
2.kicked out if the person doesn't read for two weeks.
From Ryan H, Jazmyn and Noah

DJSC said...

Dominic, John, Sawyer and Mr.C
1. Read 1 chapter per day
2. No interupptions
3. Teamwork
4. Jobs
1. First a warning
2. Next double their job
3. Then come in and do all jobs
4. Consult with trouble maker and possibly kicked out