Monday, May 2, 2011

Survival Structures...

      In order to survive in an outdoor environment, one must be able to use what they have access to.  We will be bringing materials with us, but we must also use the materials nature provides.  We will need to use our observation skills along with our skills in gathering.

Collecting, GATHERING, and Observing
Pine Cones

      We will start out by taking 15 minutes to spread out and gather materials in nature.  When the timer goes off, you will then be given 5 minutes to brainstorm and sketch with your group.  The remainder of the time during this center is to get to building. 
Linking and Binding
Paper Clips/Wire

Aluminum Foil
Design Challenge:  Design a survival structure that will keep a person warm and dry using the resources you have at your disposal.  The trick with building this structure at the E.B. Shutz Nature Sanctuary is that we cannot use any living plant matter or wildlife.  DUE TO THE FACT RESOURCES ARE LIMITED, PLEASE REALIZE THAT OTHER GROUPS MAY BORROW PIECES FROM YOUR STRUCTURE AS THE ROTATIONS PROCEED.  It should be no smaller than 12 inches by 15 inches and no larger than 20 inches by 20 inches.

Criteria:  The structure you build must:
- Have a sketch of your structure
- Be three-dimentional
- Incorporate 2-3 items you have found in your natural surroundings.
- Incorporate 2-3 items we have brought with us.
- Be free standing for the duration of the rotation
Inside shot...  BEDDING?  Why do we need it? What do we use?
What things make good bedding?

Materials:  2-3 items from natural surroundings whatever can be gathered.
Tape, Aluminum Foil, Rubber Bands, Paper Clips
Tools: Scissors Ruler

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