Monday, December 19, 2011

Live Chat Hunt...

Happy Monday,

      Today is Monday Funday, December 19, 2011.  We have a great week ahead of us young'ins!  To start things off today CORES 1 & 2 will be reflecting on our live chat sessions, and CORE 3 conduct their Socratic Seminar.  CORE 3... Good Luck!  CORES 1 & 2...  Read below and commit to memory before circle. 

      A live chat hunt is one way we are going to debrief our Socratic Seminars.  We have the luxury of going back over the live chat conversation and finding nuggets (or rotten apples) and using those nuggets to REFINE OUR PRACTICE.  I am also trying to save you some extra work, and here is what I mean.  As you complete your live chat hunt you will also be completing your reflections.  Each group's scribe will submit one Debrief Report in a discussion board.  Each person does not have to hand in a report or reflection.  However, each group must submit a Debrief Report.  More directions will follow during circle. 

1. What primary and secondary sources are being used for the Soc Sem.?
(Note: The Author of the book our articles came from is William Dudley.)
2. What are the guiding questions for the Soc. Sem.?
3. What were the most important ideas expressed during the conversation?
4. a. Cite 3 positive procedural contributions you observe in the Live Chat.
    b. Cite 2 potentially negative procedural issues.
5.  At what point did dialogue dive to a deeper level?  Was there a question that created the change?
6. Give two warms and two cools of the seminar discussion. 


From the cluttered mind of C, Teacher
School District of Waukesha
Waukesha STEM Academy


Amanda Grove said...

YAY!!!!!!!! READY TO DO IT!!!!!!

Hannah hansen said...

Sk8land 4 breanna keletke on wensday the 28Th from 6:00 pm to (:30 pm. not sure if i'll go but u should