Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Camel Day: What's Next...

Hey Gang,

      We have a couple things to get to today:

1.  Your Admission Ticket.  The four learning targets below need your attention.  How do you think you hit these learning target?  Can you describe a specific example when you did meet them or one of them?  How do you feel as a learner?  Confident?  Confused?  Are there learning targets you feel you haven't met?  Why?

Writing in Social Studies
Develop a thesis, support with multiple forms of evidence, and provide analysis with an explanation in written form.
Media in Social Studies
Identify main ideas, analyze supporting details, and evaluate inferences within discipline specific readings
Content in Social Studies
Apply content in order to evaluate relationships of people and ideas and draw conclusions
Communication in Social Studies
Produce clear and coherent communication in which the development, organization and style are appropriate to task, purpose and audience.

2.  The 15 Slip Game questions.  We will be going over the responses to the Slip Game questions and the thinking involved in answering them. 

3.  If we have a chance I would like to start thinking about our gaps in knowledge and finishing the school year along with our DIGITAL TIMELINES. 


From the cluttered mind of C, Teacher
School District of Waukesha
Waukesha STEM Academy

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