Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Socratic Seminar Is Here!!

Happy Tuesday to you,

The present meets the past with Socrates and Socratic Seminars!!
      We would like to extend a warm and heartfelt welcome to our friends from Waukesha West.  Thank you Mr. Jonas and all the students who have come to not only visit us but also to work along side us.  Without further ado, here is what our day will look like:

7:25-8:58  Electives
9:01-10:00 Core1
10:03 - 11:00 Core 3
11:00 -11:30 Lunch
11:30 - 12:00 Core 2 
12:00-1:15  Core 2 
1:18-2:31 Core 4

Notes on our day...
**West Folks arrive in two shifts: Approx. 9 a.m. and 11:45ish**

Each core will be broken up into 3 parts
1.  We have a meet/ greet session.  Once you have a pair or triad we will engage in the Tribes activity One-Minute History.  Think about the question.  "If you could choose a line in a song that represents you, what would it be and why?"  

2.  Socratic seminar begins (approx. 30-45 minutes). Waukesha West kids will be using the evidence gathering sheet and other resources to document what they observe and provide suggestions/ feedback.  Waukesha STEM kids will be using their text sets & NOTE CARDS to drive the Academic Conversation.  

3.  Break at the 30 min. point of the seminar (if we feel necessary - if the pox is on, let the blood continue to flow!). This would be a time for partners to give feedback/ suggestions on evidence, position, lines of argument, etc.

Here are the Socratic Seminar questions.
The Seminar Questions:
What exactly is "genocide"?  How is it defined?  What are the warning signs?

What evidence throughout history proves that the Holocaust is an example of genocide?

Decide whether you think what happened to the American Indians was a true genocide or not.  If not, what label would you use to describe what happened to the American Indians.  Either way, what evidence throughout history supports your position?

The Back Channels
Histlit 1
Histlit 2
Histlit 3
Histlit 4
Histlit 5
Histlit 6
Histlit 7
Histlit 8
Histlit 9

The Learning Targets:

I can effectively communicate in a variety of settings in a way that is
appropriate for the task, purpose, and audience.

I can identify main ideas, analyze supporting details, and
evaluate inferences.

The Text:
What is Genocide?

From the cluttered mind of C & Dubbs, Teachers
School District of Waukesha
Waukesha STEM Academy

1 comment:

Amanda Grove said...

you made a mistake MR.C!! This happend before too. your 2011-2012 8th grade class are crusing you for errs FOREVER!!