Monday, May 23, 2011

A case of the MONDAYS...

Hello ludacris learners,

      Today is Monday, May 23, 2011.  I appologize for not being there with you today, and hope you all make today a great one!  Down below at the bottom of this post you will see the learning targets we have been working so hard to meet.  Some of you have surpassed all expectations.

      As you head into your inquiry groups today remember that this week is for specific details.  Here is what I mean...  The past week and a half you have been working with other kids who shared an interest in a moment in history.  You researched and read about the MAIN EVENTS that happened in SEQUENCE.
      This week is for all of you to dive deeper into each moment in history.  If some of you want to research and read about GERMAN U-BOATS, go ahead!  If some of you want to research and read about the UNDERGROUND RAILROAD or the TRIANGULAR SLAVE TRADE, it's all yours!  If some of you want to read about and understand the WEAPONS of the Civil War, yes please!  I think you all are getting the hint right?  This week is to get very specific and detailed. 

      Please remember that each moment in history (i.e. Civil War, WWII, and Slavery) involved conflict and strife.  Remember also, our learning targets and how words like prejudice, bias, stereotyping, race, and ethnic origin played a role in the conflicts. 

I CAN... Explain how bias, prejudice, and stereotyping contribute to conflict in a society

I CAN... Explain the influences of status, ethnic origin, race, gender, and age on the interactions of individuals

I CAN... Ask and answer literal and inferential questions (wonder questions) before and while I read to set a purpose. I use questioning while I read to deepen my understanding.

I and contrast two or more historical characters, historical settings, or events in a moment in history drawing on specific details in the text. I can summarize a moment in history and determine the theme using text evidence and my inferences.

Sincerely yours,
P.S. I have not forgoten that some groups still have to share the learning and give their informal presentations.  We will pick those up again upon my return tomorrow. 

P.P.S. I hear and I forget.
I see and I remember.
I do and I understand.
Do your best and forget the rest. 
From the cluttered mind of C, Teacher
School District of Waukesha
Waukesha STEM Academy

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

two things can i present
and whair you????
