Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Dear Kiddies,

      Miss C and Mr. S put these links together to help you find SETTINGS that go along with your moments in history.  There are links here for Civil War, Slavery, and WWII.  Connect your main events to the maps you will find here.  Have fun learning. 

1a  I CAN...   Identify and compare a variety of geographic representations (political, physical, topographic, globes, photographs,
and satellite images) to gather information about place in the U.S.
1b I CAN..  Orient, demonstrate understanding of, and navigate selected locales, regions, and states
2a I CAN...Interpret the past using a variety of sources, such as biographies, diaries, journals, artifacts, eyewitness interviews,
and other primary source materials
2e I CAN... Generate a timeline to select, organize, and sequence information describing early American

Holocaust Museum
Interactive Civil War Map

PBS Civil War Information

Underground Railroad Interactive Map

Underground Railroad Map and Information

Slavery in America maps

Scholastic Interactive Underground Railroad Website

National Geographic Underground Railroad
WWII Interactive Website

Timeline : Moment in Time-2e I CAN... Generate a timeline to select, organize, and sequence information describing early America

Teacher Name: Mr. C

Student Name:     ________________________________________

8 or more events are present with dates and summary.
6-8 events are present with dates and summary.
2-5 events are present without dates and summary.
No events are present.
Sequential Order
All events are in sequential order.
5 Events are in sequential order.
Few events are in sequential order.
No events are in sequential order.
All graphics are effective and balanced with text use.
All graphics are effective, but there appear to be too few or too many.
Some graphics are effective and their use is balanced with text use.
Several graphics are not effective.
The overall appearance of the timeline is pleasing and easy to read.
The overall appearance of the timeline is somewhat pleasing and easy to read.
The timeline is relatively readable.
The timeline is difficult to read.
Learning Targets
Learning target is completely understood and demonstrated.
Learning target is some what understood and demonstrated.
Learning target is misunderstood and is missing key details.
Learning target is not met.

From the cluttered mind of C, Teacher
School District of Waukesha
Waukesha STEM Academy

1 comment:

Sai said...

I am a follower now!!! I am not a stalker!

-Sai Nagisetty