Friday, January 13, 2012

It's Too Late To Apologize...

High Five Friday Gang!

      Today is the day!!  The majority of the class today is set aside for you and your test partner to exchange and proctor your tests.  Remember, "proctor" is just kind of a fancy work for administer.  Some of you are not finished with your tests.  Unfortunately, that means you are a little bit behind.  I have faith in those who are not finished that you all will use your resourcefullness to finish today.  Try to have fun completing these tests and digging deep into history.  Feel free to use outside sources to help you answer as well as our textbooks.  Good luck, think deep, think high, and enjoy your learning experiences. 

Here are your learning targets as you administer and think deep about your BASIC PROFICIENCY EXAMS:
Writing...I can conduct research to find answers to specific questions.
History...I can conduct research and effectively communicate findings.
Reading...I can analyze the structure of text and its role in developing key concepts.
Reading...I can determine central ideas or themes of a text and analyze it by summarizing the key supporting details and main ideas.
Luv, peace, and taco grease,
P.S. Here is a little Friday humor brought to us by Erik Franze's dad.  I laughed so hard when I watched this.  I hope you will too. 

From the cluttered mind of C, Teacher
School District of Waukesha
Waukesha STEM Academy

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