Wednesday, October 20, 2010

CAFE Menu!!

Hey readers and writers!

Today we will be perusing a menu, a CAFE Menu to be exact.  Check out out learning target from yesterday:
      Learning Target: TEXT IS MEANINGFUL...
      I can... preview text before reading to set a purpose for reading     
      Our Learning Target today is this...
      Text can be evaluated and extended.
      I CAN... read for a purpose, decide what is important and unimportant information, identify a need for additional information, and pinpoint likely sources.

      I found this crazy video I wanted to share with you.  It's about an interactive computer menu that restaurants in Israel have started to use.  How would this connect to what we are doing here in reading today?

Have fun choosing your purpose from our CAFE Menu.

Yours truly,


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i remember this 6th commemt mckenna lang