Saturday, October 23, 2010

Saturday at school...

Hello all you silly students,

      On a wonderful Saturday afternoon your teacher is here in the classroom looking over all your great Blog comments.  It is a great feeling to see all you guys and gals having fun posting comments to each other. 

      Does it even feel like homework?  My hopes and dreams for THINK SPOT is to have great disscussions and responses to each others ideas.  LEARNING IS SHARED!!  Remember that and continue to share your learning with me and others. 

Have fun!

Yours Truly,


Anonymous said...

no mr c it dosent feel like home work. hay! can we skip the boring stuff 4 homework and do this every day!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

Jaeda said...

Im am raeding fable haven and i love it!!! Iv never liked a book this much be for. Well my weekend has been pritty awsome. Because me my dad and my friend trinity went to a haunted house this weekend for the second time.we were nurves but we had fun.

Jaeda Walsh

Anonymous said...

I love your blog and I think I may have to use this site, too, for my students! Thanks for sharing!!!
Your favorite 6th grade STEM teacher,
Mrs. Urban, of course!!!

Anonymous said...

The book that i am reading is PHANTON ANIMALS!!!!!!!
So far it is good, so far i have read about a demon cat a demon dog and a talking rat.I finished two books they are called Socks and Shelter Dogs.
The connection i made was in PHANTOM ANIMALS it was that i saw the demon dog on T.V it was pretty creepy.